Amazing Trip

First time in Tuscany, first time in Italy. Everything was more wonderful that I imagined.

Written By: Anne Marie G.
Location: Salem - VA - US
Review Source: Website
Type of Traveler: Friends
Itinerary: Chianti Tuscany

Full Review

We stayed in an amazing hotel in Radda in Chianti, and every day was full of different experiences.  I learned how to cook new things, and tasted - and bought - wonderful wine.  I learned a lot about Italy and Italians, and I think they have one of the secrets of a happy life - take your time, sit in the square, talk to your friends and family - and most of all, eat food that comes from close by, cooked with love.

It was my birthday while I was on the trip, and it was especially nice to have something new and exciting to do that day - a trip to a cashmere farm and a family winery with lunch.  We started in Rome and ended in Positano, both on our own.  They are equally lovely, but the  best part was the middle of the trip in Tuscay with CDV.

Sample Photo from this Itinerary